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- 2017-04-25 14:52 +09:00(JST)
- Access 6
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I want to cancel my one trip reservation online but how do I know that my cancellation has been successful or not.
Thank you
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I want to cancel my one trip reservation online but how do I know that my cancellation has been successful or not.
Thank you
hi there
if you booked from highwaybus.com, you can cancel from the link below.
and also you can confirm your booking status from here, though it's Japanese only.
input your resisted ID and password on the left, or input your bus no. in バス便番号, fill up the date and your family name & given name on the right.
hope this can be your help!
Hi there,
Unfortunately, there is no way to confirm your cancellation online.
But, do not worry, you will not be charged for unnecessary reservation.
Have a nice day!
Japan Trip Search