- nzqo (grvswk4n)
- 2023-07-02 22:29 +09:00(JST)
- Access 2
- Answer 1
- Violation Report
I am planning to hike up Mt. Fuji in September this year. I intend to take the yoshida trail, which means i need to get to the Fuji-Subaru Line 5th station, preferrable from Shinjuku train station. I would like to book an express bus, if available, in advance.
Unfortunately, I am finding contradictory information on this trip:
- Many pages say the express bus is in operation until the 10th of September (e.g. what looks to be the official pamphlet: http://bus-en.fujikyu.co.jp/mtpass/_file/climbersbus_en.pdf)
- The linked bus pages (e.g. https://highway-buses.jp/course/fuji-5th.php) say it is only until the end of august and I cant book anything
What is correct? Do I need to take the roundabout way to first go to Mt. Fuji station and take the climbers' bus from there?