I would like to take bus from 新大阪 to 六甲山滑雪塲where is the station in 新大阪?Where can I b...

  • Elke (g7eb2hss)
  • 2024-01-08 09:01 +09:00(JST)
  • Access 1
  • Answer 1
  • Violation Report

I would like to take bus from 新大阪 to 六甲山滑雪塲where is the station in 新大阪?Where can I buy the tickets. May I know the time ? Thank you

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How to get to Mt. Rokko Snow Park from Shin-Osaka.

Tickets from Shin-Osaka to Rokkomichi can be purchased from vending machines in Shin-Osaka.
You can pay the bus fare from Rokkomichi to Cable Shita on the bus.
You can purchase a great value ticket that includes the Rokko Cable Car, Rokko Sanjo Bus, and Mt. Rokko Snow Park from the link below.
However, there is only a Japanese website.

https://webket.jp/pc/ticket/index?fc=51408&ac=9000&_gl=1*lvhipf*_ga*NTk2MDExMTQ3LjE3MDg1ODU5NDI.*_ga_LS4QWT3D7M*MTcwODU4NTk0Mi4xLjEuMTcwODU4NjQwMC41LjAuMA..&_ga=2.82012 638.990750637.1708585942-596011147.1708585942